Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has approved new eligibility criteria for green initiatives seeking concessional financing, which, for the 1st time, include nuclear energy projects.
The criteria set out the parameters that green projects must meet if they are to qualify for the financing, which include the need to comply with international climate and sustainable development standards.
With nuclear projects now eligible for this financing, nuclear’s status as a green energy source – alongside solar, wind and geothermal power – has been cemented.
Commenting in RIA Novosti on the developments, Alexey Likhachev says:
- Russia’s new green taxonomy is the most important step made to date in advancing the country’s climate and environmental agenda and will act as a stimulus for developing new green enterprises and projects
- This move confirms the effectiveness of nuclear power in combating climate change and opens up access to green financing instruments
- We hope that other countries will follow Russia’s example by also formally recognising nuclear as a green energy source