Moscow, January 19 - Neftegaz.RU. A share of nuclear power plants (branches of Rosenergoatom, part of Rosatom’s Electric Power Division) in the energy mix of Russia was 20.28% in 2020.
In 2019, this indicator was 19.04%. In the National Grid of Russia (EES) their share has increased up to 20.58% against 19.3% in 2019 (exclusive of electricity generation by Bilibino NPP and floating nuclear power plant (FNPP) which operate in the isolated energy system).
It has already been mentioned that the NPPs of Russia finished 2020 with the absolute record for the mere existence of the Russian nuclear power, which was achieved only in 1988, in the Soviet Union times.
They generated 215.746 bln kWh of electricity. The FAS balance was met by 103.92% (with the planned 207.614 bln kWh).
To remind, in 2020 FNPP was commissioned in Chukotka and new Leningrad NPP-6 with VVER-1200 was connected to the EES grid.
Today, for a total, 11 operating NPP of Russia run 37 power units of total installed capacity of about 29.4 GW. In 2021, Leningrad NPP-6 with VVER-1200 reactor is prepared for commissioning.
Each 5th bulb in Russia is lighted by electricity generated by nuclear power plants.
On-line information about radiation situation near Russian NPPs and other nuclear facilities is given in the website
Rosenergoatom: a share of nuclear power in the energy mix of Russia exceeded 20%
The peak of the development of nuclear power in 1988, there were 47 power units in operation in the Soviet Union; today the company has 37 of them.