This was said by Mahmoud Jafari, a deputy at the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization.
M.Jafari was quoted by the Iranian ISNA:
- Currency fluctuations and problems related to banking sanctions have complicated efforts to meet the reactor's operational and maintenance costs and make payments to Russian contractors
Lavrov added that Moscow is ready to help Iran with the expansion of the Bushehr NPP with the construction of more units.
A successful experience of construction of the 1st power unit in Bushehr was the basis for expanding cooperation between the Iran and Russia in the field of nuclear power.
The Bushehr power plant started operating in 2011 and reached its full capacity the following year.
In November 2014 the countries signed a number of documents expanding cooperation in the field of peaceful use of atomic energy and opening the possibility of construction in Iran of up to 8 power units under Russian technologies.
At that time the contract for construction of the 2nd line of Bushehr NPP consisting of 2 units of Russian design, was also signed (units №2 and №3 of Bushehr-2 NPP).
The total capacity of 2 VVER-1000 power units will be 2100 MW.
General Contractor of Bushehr-2 project is Russian Atomstroyexport - the company in the management scope of Rosatom.
The project is financed by the Iranian side.