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Sovcomflot: Arctic shipping to grow by over 3 times by 2020

Sovcomflot says the development of industrial and raw material projects are expected to spur growth in the Arctic commercial shipping by more than 3 times.

Sovcomflot: Arctic shipping to grow by over 3 times by 2020

Evgeny Ambrosov, Senior Executive Vice President of Russia's Sovcomflot, says the development of industrial and raw material projects within Russia's Arctic zone are expected to spur growth in the Arctic commercial shipping by more than 3 times, World Maritime news reports on March 31, 2017.

Ambrosov's comments came while speaking at the International Arctic Forum «the Arctic – Territory of Dialogue.»

«In 2016, the record tonnage carried through the waters of the Northern Sea Route was surpassed; over 6.5 million tonnes were transported via the route. By 2020, this amount may be exceeded 3 times,» said Amborosov.

Shipping companies should utilise «specially designed modern technology and... highly qualified personnel,» says Amborosov, stressing that environmental safety should be a top priority of ship owners and operators in the Arctic.

Sovcomflot also suggests that it is crucial vessels with a high ice class are used, communication with terminals and controllers is effective, and special ice training is provided to crew in order to mitigate potential risks.

Last month, Ship & Bunker reported that, despite winter sea ice in the Arctic Sea falling to a record smallest area during 2016, the bunker saving Northern Sea Route's Northeast Passage saw its «shortest traversable period in recent years.»

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