The discovery is a thick gas column in reservoirs above the post-salt section as a result of drilling the exploratory well by the Consortium established by Petrobras (63%, Operator) and Repsol (37%) to explore Block BM-S-7.
The block is located 210 km southeast of the city of Santos, off the coast of the state of Sao Paulo in a water depth of 214 meters.
The find was confirmed through cable tests conducted in the sandstone reservoirs situated at a minimum depth of 3,970 meters.
The Consortium is to proceed with its exploratory activities through formation testing to be executed at levels where gas has already been found, thus making it possible to assess the commercial viability of this discovery.
This find is of major importance due to the potential for gas production in the shallow offshore area of the southern Santos Basin.
Petrobas Makes Gas Discoveries in the Santos Basin
Petrobras has made a discovery in the shallow waters at the southern end of the Santos Basin, in the state of Sao Paulo, the company announcened in the official statement