ROSATOM commenced production of long-lead manufacture equipment for Units 7 and 8 of Tianwan NPP
Moscow, July 18 - Neftegaz.RU. OMZ-special steel (St.Petersburg) and Energomashspetsstal (Kramatorsk) have produced the 1st forgings for reactor vessels for Units 7 and 8 of Tianwan NPP (China). The Units are being constructed with technical assistance of ASE (Engineering Division of ROSATOM).
According to Alexey Bannik, ASE Vice president for Сhina projects, “these events signal the commencement of production of long-lead manufacture equipment within the framework of implementation of Gen. Contract for construction of Tianwan NPP Units 7 and 8 concluded between ASE EC and Suneng Nuclear Power (China) in March 2019”.
The pouring of 1st concrete at Unit 7 is scheduled for May 2021. Tianwan NPP is the largest facility built within the framework the Russian-Chinese economic cooperation.
The start-up of the 1st stage of Tianwan NPP (power units 1, 2) was held in 2007. These first 2 units generate above 15 billion KW/hour of electric power annually. The commercial operation of power unit No.4 of Tianwan NPP is planned for 2019.