USD 92.6962


EUR 103.249


Brent 74.58


Natural gas 2.349



The world's longest well was drilled in Sakhalin

Rosneft successfully completed drilling of the world's longest well from Orlan platform.

The world's longest well was drilled in Sakhalin

Rosneft as a member of Sakhalin-1 Consortium successfully completed drilling of the world's longest well from Orlan platform at Chaivo field in the Sea of Okhotsk, the company reported on November 16, 2017.

The length of the well with horizontal completion is 15000 m which currently is a world record.

This is a supercomplex well with DDI (Directional drilling index) of 8.0 and 14,129 m stepout.

A number of world records have been set in extended reach drilling since the start of drilling at Sakhalin-1 project in 2003.

Taking into account the new record long well the Sakhalin-1 Consortium drilled 9 out of 10 of the world's longest wells.

Sakhalin-1 extended reach drilling is among the fastest in the world owing to the advanced and efficient technologies such as Fast Drill.

This technology combines high quality modeling of physical parameters of drilling with a structured approach to well designing.

Extended reach drilling reduces costs of construction of additional offshore structures, pipelines and other field infrastructure facilities and it also mitigates environmental impact due to smaller drilling and production footprint.

Since 2013 the project has set 5 world records for measured depth of wells.

Sakhalin-1 is the 1st large-scale offshore project in Russia implemented under the PSA conditions (concluded in 1996).

Project participation shares: Rosneft – 20%, ExxonMobil – 30%, SODECO – 30%, ONGC Videsh Ltd. – 20%

Sakhalin-1 includes three offshore fields: Chaivo, Odoptu and Arkutun-Dagi located in the north-eastern shelf of Sakhalin.

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