USD 94.87


EUR 104.7424


Brent 78.14


Natural gas 2.831



Honigmann process

Honigmann process (shaft-borring) is a continental method of shaft sinking through sand that is water bearing.

Honigmann process

A continental method of shaft sinking through sand that is water bearing. The shaft is formed by boring in stages, increasing in size from the pilot hole of about 4 ft (1.2 m) in diameter to the final excavation size. Once the shaft is bored, mud flush circulation continues while the lining is lowered. The lining consists of two steel cylinders, one within the other, and the annular space is filled with concrete. The cylinders are lowered into the shaft, and 10-ft (3-m) lengths are added and welded in position at the shaft top.

The Lamm–Honigmann-process

The Lamm–Honigmann-process is a flexible thermo-chemical energy storage and converter that can be charged and discharged arbitrarily with both heat and electrical power. In this paper, an approximation for the theoretical round-trip efficiency is given for various process configurations.