USD 90.9345


EUR 100.7958


Brent 71.61


Natural gas 2.294


Pelmenyova Anastasia Alexeevna Expert

Pelmenyova Anastasia Alexeevna

The Head of Oil and Gas Industry Economy Derpartment, I.M. Gubkin Russian  Oil and Gas State University Associate Professor

4 place



Higher, 1994-1999, I.M. Gubkin Russian Oil and Gas State University, qualification: “Economist Manager” in the specialty 08.05.02 “Economics and Management at the Enterprises of the Oil and Gas Industry”.

Scientific Degree:

Candidate of Economic Sciences, 2005

The topic of the Ph.D. thesis is “Formation and development of the local market for the supply of petroleum products to business entities and the population (on the materials of the Stavropol Territory in the specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and National Economy Management).Учёное звание:

Associate Professor, 2013.

Qualifications and work experience:

2004-2005 - Assistant of the Department of Enterprise Economics, GOU VPO "North-Caucasian State Technical University", Stavropol

2005-2009 - Assistant, Art. Lecturer, Associate Professor of Accounting, North-Caucasian State Technical University, Stavropol

2008-2009 - Associate Professor at the Department of Construction of Oil and Gas Wells, GOU VPO "North Caucasus State Technical University"

2009 - till present - Associate Professor, Department of Economics of the Oil and Gas Industry, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU).
