USD 91.1096


EUR 100.3907


Brent 72.38


Natural gas 2.382


Petrov Andrey Yuvenalievich

Petrov Andrey Yuvenalievich

193 place


He was born in 1963.

Graduated from the Ivanovo Power Engineering Institute, majoring in Thermal power plants. Candidate of Technical Sciences.

A. Petrov has 30 years experience in the industry: he began to work at the Khmelnitsky NPP of Ministry of Atomic Energy of the USSR in 1985 as a driver crawler of 5th discharge at turbine shop.

From 1992 to 1999 he worked as Chief of line change at the Balakovo NPP.

From 1999 to 2001 - Deputy Chief Engineer for Operation at the Volgodonsk NPP.

In 2001 he was appointed Chief Engineer at the Volgodonsk NPP.

Since 2006 - Deputy General Director - Director of the Rosenergoatom, Smolensk nuclear power plant branch.

On September 7, 2015 he was appointed General Director of the Rosenergoatom.
