USD 92.6962


EUR 103.249


Brent 74.8


Natural gas 2.338


Simonov Konstantin Vasil´evich

Simonov Konstantin Vasil´evich

278 place


Majored in political sciences and economics at the Moscow State University.

PhD in Political Science.

In 1999, upheld thesis «Political Analysis within the System of Applied Political Science» at the Moscow State University.

Has a master's degree in political sciences of the Manchester University.

In 2003 became chief of the Center for Current Politics.

In 2006 founded and became head of The National Energy Security Fund.

Since April 2014 he was assigned First Vice-Rector for External Communications of Financial University at the Government of the Russian Federation.

Specializes in nonpublic politics, executive power of Russia, political risks, economic interests of political elites.

His mission is to study economic aspects of the political processes and political aspects of the economic processes.

Actively participates in international forums and conferences on the development of the Russian oil & gas industry and the outlook on the Russian state.

Author of many books and text-books.