USD 90.9345


EUR 100.7958


Brent 71.61


Natural gas 2.294


Oreshkin Maksim Stanislavovich

Oreshkin Maksim Stanislavovich

279 place


Maxim Oreshkin was born in July 21, 1982 in Moscow.

Graduated from the High School of Economics in 2004.

He held executive positions with Rosbank, Credit Agricole, and VTB Capital.

Oreshkin worked in the Ministry of Finance from 2013 and was appointed as the Deputy Finance Minister in March 2015.

The Minister for Economic Development since November 30, 2016.

The appointment comes about 2 weeks after the previous Russian Economy Minister, Alexey Ulyukayev, was detained by Federal Security Service on suspicion of accepting a $2 million bribe in exchange for positively assessing a major privatization scheme.

Maxim Oreshkin is married and has 1 daughter.
