USD 92.6962


EUR 103.249


Brent 74.61


Natural gas 2.35


Dvorkovich Arkady Vladimirovich

Dvorkovich Arkady Vladimirovich

97 place


Born March 26, 1972 in Moscow.

1994: Graduated from the Economics Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Economic Cybernetics.

1994: Graduated from the New Economic School with a Masters in Economics.

1997: Graduated from Duke University in North Carolina with a Masters in Economics.

1994: Consultant, senior expert, chief executive and scientific director of the Economic Expert Group of the Russian Ministry of Finance.

2000: Expert at the Centre for Strategic Research.

August 2000: Adviser to the Minister for Economic Development and Trade.

2001: Deputy Minister for Economic Development and Trade.

2004-2008: Head of the Presidential Experts' Directorate.

2008-May 2012: Aide to the President of the Russian Federation.

Since 21 May 2012 - Deputy Prime Minister of Russia

Since 2015 he also the Chairman of the Board of the Directors in Russian Railways company.

Dvorkovich is considered to be a close confidant of Dmitry Medvedev and an important figure in Russian politics.

Dvorkovich is an official of the Russian Chess Federation.

His father, Vladimir Dvorkovich, was an international chess arbiter.

Speaks English and German languages.