USD 91.1423


EUR 101.2789


Brent 73.03


Natural gas 2.397


Donskoy Sergey Yefimovich

Donskoy Sergey Yefimovich

142 place


He was born 13 October 1968 in Elektrostal town, Moscow region.

In 1992, he finished his studies in Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.

1992-1993: microprocessor-based systems lab engineer at the Gazpriboravtomatika design bureau

1993-1996: worked at financial companies Your Securities, the investment and industrial group SINT, the settlement firm SINT and the investment firm SINT.

1996-1998: worked at the company Prema-Invest as dealer and analyst in the Financial Instruments Department; Head of the Information Analysis Section; leading analyst at the Analysis and Marketing Department.

1999-2000: served at the Fuel and Energy Ministry as adviser, Deputy Head of Department and then Head of the Production Sharing Agreements Department

2000-2001: worked at LUKoil's Main Department for Investment and Finance and Main Department for Corporate Financing and Investment.

2001-2005: Head of Department at Zarubezhneft.

2005-2008: Head of the Economics and Finance Department at the Ministry of Natural Resources.

2008-2011: Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

2011-May 2012: Chief Executive of state geology holding company Rosgeologia.

On May 21, 2012 Donskoy was appointed to the role of Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia in Dmitry Medvedev's Cabinet.