USD 90.9345


EUR 100.7958


Brent 71.61


Natural gas 2.294


Francis Dennis

Francis Dennis

148 place


Mr. Francis has been Chief Executive Officer and an Executive Director of the PetroNeft since its formation in 2005.

He has over 40 years experience in the petroleum industry and was with Marathon for 30 years.

He started work with Marathon as a geologist/geophysicist and held various international positions.

In 1990, Mr. Francis became USSR/FSU task force manager responsible for putting together a special task force to develop new opportunities for Marathon in Russia.

Marathon and its partners ultimately won the first Russian competitive tender which was to develop the Sakhalin II Project offshore Sakhalin Island.

He represented Marathon as shareholder and was a director on the board of Sakhalin Energy Investment Company during the Phase I Project Development.

In 2015, on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of LLC Stimul-T/PetroNeft Resources, Mr. Francis received a Certificate of Honour from Tomsknedra (the Regional Federal Agency of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation) for significant contributions to the development of oil fields on the right bank of the River Ob.

He is a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

He has a BSc degree in geophysical engineering and an MSc degree in geology both from the Colorado School of Mines.

Mr. Fransis has also completed the Program for Management Development at Harvard University.
