USD 92.5848


EUR 103.3773


Brent 74.72


Natural gas 2.456


Fradkov Mikhail Yefimovich

Fradkov Mikhail Yefimovich

89 place


Born September 1, 1950 in the Kuibyshev Region (now Samara Region).

1972 - graduated from the Moscow Machine-building Institute, with a specialization in mechanical engineering
Graduated in 1981 from the Foreign Trade Academy of the Soviet Union
1973-1975 - employee in the office of the economic adviser, Soviet Embassy in India
1975-1984 - held various posts in the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations (GKES)
1984-1988 -deputy head of the GKES Main Department for Supplies
1988-1991- deputy and then first deputy head of the Main Administration for Coordinating and Regulating Foreign Economic Operations, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR
1991-1992 - first adviser of the permanent Russian mission at the department of the UN and other international organizations in Geneva; representative of Russia at GATT
December 1992-October 1993 - deputy minister of foreign economic relations of Russia
October 1993-March 1997 - first deputy minister of foreign economic relations
March 1997-April 16, 1997 - acting minister of foreign economic relations and trade
April 16, 1997-March 23, 1998 - minister of foreign economic relations and trade
May 1998-February 1999 - chairman of the Board of Directors of insurance company AO Ingosstrakh (elected at a meeting of the AO Board of Directors in May 1998)
February 1999-May 1999 - general director of Ingosstrakh
May 25, 1999-May 2000 - minister of trade of the Russian Federation
May 2000 - appointed first deputy secretary (in charge of economic issues) of the Security Council
March 2001- appointed director of the Federal Service of the Tax Police
March 2003 - appointed Russian ambassador to the European Union, with the rank of minister
March 5, 2004 - appointed prime minister of the Russian Federation, replacing Mikhail Kasyanov
September 12, 2007 - submitted his resignation as prime minister of the Russian Federation, replaced by Viktor Zubkov
October 6, 2007- appointed head of the Russian foreign intelligence service, replacing Sergei Lebedev
When he was named to replace Kasyanov, much was made in the press of Fradkov’s background as a “technocrat” and that his appointment represented a departure from his predecessor, who had on a number of occasions become involved in public disputes with his own ministers and the Kremlin. Fradkov, however, has proven to be more interested in political infighting than was originally thought and has been relatively aggressive in defining his own turf, a fact that has caused public grumbling on the part of some of the members of his cabinet. Fradkov offered to resign on September 12th 2007, along with the government, citing "approaching significant political events". He said he wanted to give President Putin "full freedom of decision including staff decisions" in forming a new Cabinet before the Duma elections in December 2007 and the Presidential elections of 2008. Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted his resignation and nearly a month later appointed Fradkov head of Russia's foreign intellegence service. Fradkov is the latest in several highly ranked government officials to make the crossover from Russian government operations to its security sector or vice versa.

Married, has two sons