USD 91.4292


EUR 101.5057


Brent 72.78


Natural gas 2.322


Shmidt Vitaliy Genrikhovich

240 place


Life years: 1949-1997.

He was born on March, 05, 1949 in Pohvistnevo, Kuibyshev region, in the family of office-workers.

After finishing school he entered Kuibyshev Polytechnical Institute. Shmidt began his working activity in 1971.
After getting the diploma of a mining engineer of oil&gas deposits survey, he came to work in Otradny City to "Pervomaineft" Co.
Here he worked until 1983. Then he was appointed deputy head on production of "Povhneft" Co. Later he became its head. In 1988 he was awarded two medals.
In January, 1990 he was appointed general director of the production association "Kogalymneftegaz".

In September, 1993 he became vice-president on external economic relations of JSC Lukoil.

In 1997 he died suddenly.