USD 92.6962


EUR 103.249


Brent 74.7


Natural gas 2.348


Gavrin Alexander Sergeevich

289 place


Graduated from Zaporozhski technical school of electrical machines (1972), Tumen Industrial Institute (1992), profession - mining engineer and from Tumen State oil&gas University (1996), profession - management.

In 1997 he became Master of sociological sciences.

In 1972-1974 - served in the army.

In 1974-1979 - worked as an inspector at the plant Radiopribor (Zaporozhie).

In 1979-1980 - inspector at the Manuilski research institute (Kiev).

In 1980-1981 - engineer of the Kiev plant Generator , 1981-1983 - technician, 1983-1984 - electrician at the oil mining department "Povhneft" of the Ministry of oil industry (Kogalym, the Tumen region).

In 1984-1988 - electrician at Energoneft (department of Povhneft).

In 1988 - 1989 - engineer, head of the group controlling effective utilization of material technical resources at the production department of Kogalymneftegaz (Kogalym City, theTumen region).
In 1989-1993 - Chairman of the trade-union committee of Lukoil-Kogalymneftegaz.
In 1993-1996 - head of Kogalym administration.
Since 1996 - mayor of Kogalym. Member of "All of Russia" movement presidium.