Vice-president on corporative administration of JSC Sidanko. Deputy of the Duma from Khanty-Mansy region.
Born in 1956 in Oktiabrsk, Ukranian. Married, has a son and a daughter. Has higher education, graduated from the Ufa Petroleum Institute.
Since 1973 - worked as an electrician at oil&gas mining department of Tuimazaneft (Bashneft).
In 1974-1979 - student of Ufa Petroleum Institute.
In 1979-1984 - engineer, leading designer of oil&gas mining department of Sutogrminskneft (Noiabrskneftegaz).
In 1984-1986 - craftsman of wells repair, head of underground wells repair shop.
In 1986-1987 - head of the production servicing base.
In 1987-1988 - head of the central engineer technological service, deputy head of production service of oil&gas mining department of Krasnoleninskneftegaz (Niagan, Tumen region).
In 1988-1995 - chief engineer of oil&gas mining department of Talinskneft, part of Krasnoleninskneftegaz (Niagan,Tumen region).
In 1995-1997 - chief engineer, deputy general director of JSC Condpetroleum (JSC Sidanko).
In 1997-1998 - general director of JSC Condpetroleum (Niagan, Tumen region)
In 1998-1999 - vice-president of International financial fund of interregional cooperation.