Born in March, 1940 in Krasnoyarsk region (Chernogorsk).
In 1968 graduated from the Tomsk State University, geological Department to be an engineer-geologist.
Besides, graduated from Academy of National Economy attached to the USSR Ministers Soviet ("public economy management").
Master of geological-mineralogical sciences, Honoured geologist of Russia.
Upon graduation worked in geological expeditions in the West Siberia.
From 1975 to 1978 worked as a consultant of exploring in Iran. Having come back was appointed to the post of head of geological department of Production Geological Association in central regions of Russia, since 1981 was deputy head of Geological Administration of RF Ministry of Geology.
After Academy (1984-1986) he became head of Production geological association of central regions of Russia.
Since 1990 worked as USSR Minister deputy on geology, then first deputy of RF State Committee head on geology.
From 1992 to August, 1996 was Chairman of the Committee on geology attached to the RF Government.
At the same time from 1993 to 1994 was member of RF State Committee on public defense.
In August, 1996 was appointed RF Minister of natural resources.
From 2001 through 2012 he was a member of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Council of the Federation).
Currently, he is also a member of the Board of Directors of "Bashneft" and "Kamchatgeologia".