USD 91.4292


EUR 101.5057


Brent 73.3


Natural gas 2.324


Gutseriev Mikhail Safarbekovich

Gutseriev Mikhail Safarbekovich

President of the RussNeft oil company

186 place


Born on March 9, 1958 in the Town of Tselinograd, Kazakh SSR.

Education and graduate degrees:

Institute of Technology, Dzhambul, Kazakh SSR - chemical process engineer.
Russian State Oil and Gas University named after Gubkin, Moscow - engineer, majoring in “Methods and Technology of Oil and Gas Engineering”.
Finance Academy under the Government of RF, Moscow - economist, majoring in “Finance and Credits”.
St. Petersburg University of Law - lawyer, majoring in “ Civil Law”.
Doctoral studies at the Russian Academy for Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov, Doctor of Economics, majoring in “Free Economic Zones”.

Work record:

In 1975 started his labor activity as loader (warehouse worker) in the city Grozny.

1976 - 1982 worked at Dzhambul Factory of folk arts, Dzhambul, Kazakh SSR

1982 – Process Engineer, later- senior process engineer of Grozny Production Association at the Ministry of Local Industry of the RSFSR, Grozny.

1983 – Head of Technological Department, later - Head of Production Department of the enterprise.

At the end of the 80-ths he founded one of the first cooperative banks in this country.

In 1992 he founded and headed industrial and financial company “BIN” in Moscow (Bank of Investments and Innovations). Since 1994 - President of the Joint Stock Commercial Bank”Bin”.

In 1995 Mikhail Gutseriev gave up business activity and turned to politics.

In February 2000 at the meeting of shareholders of State Russian-Belorussian Oil and Gas Company Slavneft Mr. Gutseriev was elected President of the Company.

September 2002 - M. Gutseriev founded and headed RussNeft , an oil and gas company.

2007 – 2010- lived and worked in Great Britain; successfully implemented a number of large-scale oil and gas projects in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, African countries.

Since June 2010 – President of OAO NK RussNeft.

Mikhail Safarbekovich is a master of sports in decathlon.
He plays the violin and the piano, writes verses, likes to paint.