USD 92.5848


EUR 103.3773


Brent 74.72


Natural gas 2.456


Kaluzhny Victor Ivanovich

279 place


Born in 1947 in Birsk, Bashkortostan.

In 1970 - graduated from the Ufa oil institute.

In 1970-78 - operator on oil output, master on capital underground drills repair, head of the department in "Tomskneft".

In 1978-80 - chief engineer of oil and gas output administration of "Vasuganneft" (Tomskneft).

In 1980-84 - Secretary of the party committee of "Strezhevoineft".
In 1984-86 - second secretary of the Strezhevoi party committee, Tomsk region.
In 1986 - head deputy on economy of "Strezhevoineft" (Tomskneft).

In 1986-90 - chief engineer, head of "Priobneft" (Nizhnevartovskneftegaz), Tumen region.

In 1990-1993 - director on oil and gas output of JSC "Vietsovpetro", Vung Tau, Vietnam Republic.

In 1993-1997 - first deputy general director of "Tomskneft", Strezhevoi city.
In 1997 - first vice-president of the East oil company, Tomsk city.

Since December, 1998 - RF Fuel and Power Minister first deputy.
Married, has 2 sons.