USD 91.4292


EUR 101.5057


Brent 73.16


Natural gas 2.319


Bulgak Vladimir Borissovich

185 place


Born on May, 9, 1941 in Moscow. In 1963 graduated from Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Connections, in 1972 - from Institute of Public Economy Administration. From 1963 to 1968 - instructor of Komsomol Union, then Secretary of its branch committee. Worked as chief engineer at one of radio broadcasting centers in Moscow, then as a head deputy in Moscow radio broadcasting system (1968-72).
From 1983 to 1988 was head of Main Finance Administration of USSR Ministry of Connections, then head of Main Economic Administration in the same Ministry. Since 1990 took the post of RF Minister of connections, computer science and space. From March, 1997 to May, 1999 took the post of chairman deputy of RF Government.