USD 92.6962


EUR 103.249


Brent 74.6


Natural gas 2.348


Muravlenko Sergei Victorovich

109 place


Born in 1950 in Zhigulevsk, Kuibyshev region.
In 1972 - graduated from Tumen Industrial Institute, qualification - oil and gas deposits development. Master of technical sciences. Worked as a department geologist at Samotlor, then general director of "Yuganskneftegaz".
Since March, 1993 - Chairman of board of directors and president of oil company "UCOS".
In May, 1996 - was elected Chairman of board of directors of "ROSPROM" group (industrial holding of the bank MENATEP) - basic shareholder of the company "UCOS".
In honor of Sergei Muravlenko`s father who was head of "Glavtumenneftegaz" the city Muravlensk was named (Tumen region).