USD 91.4292


EUR 101.5057


Brent 72.78


Natural gas 2.322


Sivak Anatoli Vassilievich

187 place


He was born in 1940 in Kazakhstan.
In 1969 he graduated from the Moscow Gubkin Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry and then worked at the technical college as a teacher of Economics and Planning Organization.
In 1071-1981 - chief engineer, deputy head, head of the labor organization and production management department at the Nizhnevartovsk drilling department 1 of 'Glavtumenneftegas'.
In 1981-1983 he was deputy head of this department, then department head of 'Nizhnevartovskneftegas'.
In 1985-1989 - head of the drilling department in 'Noyabrskneftegas'.
In 1989-1994 - general director of 'Varyeganneftegas'.
In 1994-1997 - president of the oil company 'SIDANKO'.