USD 91.4292


EUR 101.5057


Brent 73.16


Natural gas 2.319


Shakhnovski Vassili Savelyevich

234 place


He was born in 1957 in Moscow.
He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Machinery Engineering with the qualification 'automation and electronics'. Upon graduation he worked as an engineer of the trust 'Mospromtechmontazh'.
In 1986 he took part in the liquidation of the accident consequences at the Chernobil atomic power station.
In 1990-1998 - deputy of the Moscow Soviet.
In 1991-1997 - manager of the Moscow town hall issues. From 1996 - member of the Moscow government.
Since 1997 he has held the post of the deputy chairman of the united board of the oil company 'UKOS'.