USD 92.5848


EUR 103.3773


Brent 74.72


Natural gas 2.456


Popov Gavriil Kharitonovich

298 place


Born in 1936.
In 1959 graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, economical department.
In 1971-88 - head of the management department of economic faculty of MSU.
In 1978-80 - Dean of MSU economy department.
In 1988-1991 - Chief editor of 'Economic Questions' magazine.
In 1989-90 - president of the association of beginning managers.
In 1989-91 - USSR People`s Deputy, member of the Supreme Soviet, co-chairman of the interregional deputy group (together with Afanasiev, Yeltsin, Sakharov and Palm).
In 1990-91 - Chairman of Moscow Soviet of people`s deputies.
In 1991 - member of political consulting council of the USSR President.
In 1991-92 - Mayor of Moscow.
In 1991-92 - co-chairman of democratic reforms Movement.
Since 1992 up to the present moment - Chairman of Russian Democratic Reforms Movement, President of Russian Economic society, President of International Union of economists, President of International University, President of International Academy of book art, President of Russian department of the World League for freedom and democracy.
Since 1996 - Chairman of the Russian political movement 'Social democrats'. Doctor of Sciences (Moscow University - 1970 and University in South Utah, USA v 1991), professor (Moscow University - 1971), Academician, Member of the RF Academy of Natural Sciences (1991).
Since 1996 - Chairman on foreign political activity of the State.
Married, has two sons.