Born in 1949.
In 1971 - graduated from Moscow Institute of Oil-chemical and gas Industry. Master of Technical Sciences, Honoured oil-man of the Russian Federation. Qualification - technology and complex mechanization of oil and gas deposits development.
Upon graduation from the institute worked as an operator and master on drills repair at the production association 'Kuibyshevskneft'.
Beginning with 1978 - occupied different posts in the production association 'Nizhnevartovskneftegaz' that was developing one of the largest world deposits - Samotlor. Since 1989 - became head of this enterprise.
At the end 1997 - retired from the post of general director of 'Nizhnevartovskneftegaz' because of disagreements with the new owners of Tumen Oil Company - consortsium 'Alpha-Group' and holding 'Renova'.