USD 92.6962


EUR 103.249


Brent 74.7


Natural gas 2.348


Kukura Sergei Petrovich

Kukura Sergei Petrovich

113 place


Born in 1953 in Brest (Belorussia).

In 1979 graduated from Ivano-Frankovsk Institute of Oil and Gas to be an economist on oil and gas industry organization.

In 1979-80 - worked as an engineer of industrial buildings repair in "Megionneftegaz" (Nizhnevartovskneftegaz).

In 1980-87 - economist of the personnel department, head of the department, head deputy on economy of "Povhneft" Co ("Bashneft" subsidiary)

In 1987-92 - head of the department of scientific organization of labor and production management, "Cogalymneftegaz" general director deputy on economy.

In 1992-93 - vice-president of the oil combination "LangepasUraiCogalymneft".

Since 1993 - first vice-president of Lukoil.

Honoured economist of RF.

Married, has a son and a daughter.