USD 92.6962


EUR 103.249


Brent 74.92


Natural gas 2.341


Kuandykov Baltabek Mukhanovich

52 place


Born in 1948 in Makat (Kazakhstan)

In 1971 - graduated from the Lenin Kazakhstan polytechnical Institute, qualification - mining engineer-geologist.

In 1971-75 - worked as an engineer and geologist in the Biikzhal expedition of extradeep drilling.

In 1979-91- occupied leading positions in associations 'Kazneftegazgeology' and 'Gurievneftegazgeology'.

In 1991-93 - head of the Ministry department, deputy Minister of geology.

In 1994-97 - occupied the post of the president of 'Kazakhstankaspiishelf' Co. (since March, 1997 - also vice-president of the national oil company 'Kazakhoil')

Since October, 1997 - president of NOC 'Kazakhoil'. Master of geology-mineralogical sciences, author of 4 monographs and 30 articles on oil geology.

Received the title - Honoured executive of Kazakhstan industry.

Married, has five children.