Born in 1952 in Baku.
In 1974 - graduated from the Gubkin Moscow Institute of oil-chemical and gas industry.
Since 1975 - was involved in teaching and scientific activity at the department of "Oil and gas refining technologies" of the Gubkin MIOGI.
In 1994-96 - occupied the post of vice-president in a Dutch company ACD, dealt with oil-chemistry and marketing research in this field.
In 1996-98 - vice-president of the Swiss company Vitol where he worked on creation and inculcation of new oil-refining and oil-chemistry products, also on their commercial realization Russian market.
Since March, 1998 - vice-president on oil-refining of JSC "Tumen Oil Company". Is responsible for production-technical and economical administration of the company enterprises.
Doctor of Technical Sciences. Author of more than 170 scientific works and inventions.