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Vladimir Putin discussed gas issues with Gazprom´s CEO Alexey Miller

Vladimir Putin discussed gas issues with Gazprom´s CEO Alexey Miller

Moscow, September 10 - Neftegaz.RU. A working meeting took place on September 9, Alexey Miller briefed Vladimir Putin on the Gazprom’s preparations for the upcoming autumn/winter period. Particular attention was paid to the issues of gas supplies to foreign markets.

By the autumn/winter period, Gazprom will ensure that the potential maximum daily deliverability of UGS facilities in Russia reaches 843.3 million cu m of gas. It will be an all-time high for the domestic gas sector.

"Gazprom will pump at least 11.4 Bcm of gas into underground storage facilities in Europe," Miller said. "This is more than twice the level of last year", he added.

One of the factors behind the large amounts of gas being injected into UGS facilities is the expiration of the contract for gas transit across Ukraine on December 31 this year. Miller mentioned that the gas price for the end consumer in Ukraine might go down by 25 % from the current level.

"The question of the transit contract is essential, and yet the top-priority question is whether Ukraine will buy Russian gas under a direct contract", Gazprom´s CEO said.

According to Miller, the Power of Siberia will start gas exports to China from Russia on December 1. Over the course of 30 years, 1 trillion cubic meters of gas will be delivered to the Chinese market.

Gazprom and China currently looking into the possibilities of supplying gas to China via the western route and also via the Far Eastern route from the Sakhalin gas production center.

Vladimir Putin asked Miller to study the feasibility of sending Russian gas via Mongolia to China in the future. "Please consider the Yamal reserves as well, in order to secure the amounts required to supply gas via the western route towards China across Mongolia", Putin said.

To read the full story in Russian.

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