U.S. Gulf of Mexico oil and gas volumes shut-in as a result of the storms showed virtually no recovery on Thursday, the Minerals Management Service reported.
Some 717,807 bpd, or 47.85% of daily Gulf oil output remained off line, down from 725,218 barrels on Wednesday, according to the MMS.
Shut-in natural gas production stood at 3.65 billion cubic feet a day, or 36.5% of daily gas output in the region, down from 3.71 bcf seen Wednesday.
Cumulative oil production shut-in since Aug. 26 - when Hurricane Katrina approached the Gulf - reached 87.84 million barrels, or 16.04% of yearly Gulf crude oil output.
Total lost natural gas production amounted to 453.12 billion cubic feet, or 12.42% of the region's annual gas output.
No Recovery of Shut-in Gulf of Mexico Oil, Gas Output
U.S. Gulf of Mexico oil and gas volumes shut-in as a result of the storms showed virtually no recovery