USD 89.8225


EUR 99.7156


Brent 71.06


Natural gas 2.289



Dana Gas Started Production From Recenly Discovered Field

Dana Gas started production from the recent Al Basant discovery in Egypt

Dana Gas Started Production From Recenly Discovered Field

Al-Basant-1 well was discovered in October 2008 and tested at the rate of 23.5 mln. standard cubic feet per day gas and 1027 barrels per day condensate.

Al-Basant-2 appraisal well was subsequently drilled, completed and tested in December 2008 and additional gas was discovered in a new zone which tested at 10.5 standard cubic feet per day gas and 150 barrels condensate.

Al-Basant field gas reserves are currenly estimated to exceed 123 mln. cubic feet.

Author: Ksenia Kochneva

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