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Gazprom Export increased exports of sulfur above planned indicators in H1 2020

Gazprom Export increased exports of sulfur above planned indicators in H1 2020

Moscow, July 22 - Neftegaz.RU. Gazprom Export has significantly increased the volume of sulfur exports compared to the planned indicators in the first half of 2020, having about 1.3 million tons delivered to foreign customers.

This period was a record for the company over the past ten years in terms of volumes of sulphur delivered for export by water transport.

In the first months of navigation (March–April), supplies of sulfur have provided the company with an absolute record for this period of more than 270 thousand tons.

In the following months, despite the global economic crisis on the background of the pandemic coronavirus infection, the volume of sulfur exports by means of water transport is also of the highest indicators over the last ten years.

In terms of serious competition from Middle East producers, Gazprom Export not only maintains a wide geography of supplies of sulfur from the Gazprom Group's portfolio, but also continues gradually diversifying it. Thus, the company managed to increase the volume of supplies to the markets of Africa’s Copperbelt, where sulphur is demanded by enterprises involved in the ore leaching.

Strengthening positions in this market is of special importance, as it serves as an alternative to the key market for sulfur – the production of phosphate fertilizers.

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