USD 91.1423


EUR 101.2789


Brent 72.89


Natural gas 2.409



SOCAR announced volume of exported crude oil & oil products for July 2017

In July SOCAR exported 264 489 tons from Supsa port, 1 540 751 tons from Ceyhan port.

SOCAR announced volume of exported crude oil & oil products for July 2017

In July SOCAR has exported 264 489 tons from Supsa port, 1 540 751 tons from Ceyhan port, the company reported on August 2, 2017.

Generally, 733 664 tons of crude oil was exported from Russian Novorossiysk port, 1 579 673 tons from Georgian Supsa, 9 667 066 tons from Ceyhan port in January-July 2017.

SOCAR aims to increase its shipments via Russia to 1.5 million tonnes in 2017.

Azerbaijan's oil shipments via Russia jumped to 818,664 tonnes in January-July this year from 559,065 tonnes in the same period last year.

In July 2017, SOCAR exported 32 625 tons of diesel fuel, 1 968 tons of aircraft gasoline, 6 360 tons of high-pressure polyethylene, 586 tons of absolute isopropyl alcohol, 2 976 tons of pyrolytic oil tar, 2 504 tons of propylene, 1 058 tons of butylene butadiene.

In January-July 2017, generally 348 180 tons of diesel fuel, 26 054 tons of aircraft gasoline, 117 tons of stove oil, 54 171 tons of high-pressure polyethylene, 6 405 tons of absolute isopropyl alcohol, 37 277 tons of pyrolytic oil tar, 24 662 tons of propylene, 16 378 tons of butylene butadiene were exported.

For July 2017, the average prices for oil products in the world market were as follows: ethyl petrol-(per ton) $509.92, aircraft gasoline-$474.06, diesel fuel-$435.01 and black oil containing 1% sulphur-$286.50, high-pressure polyethylene - $1163.75, butylene butadiene - $515.66, propylene

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