Gazprom has exported upwards of 54 billion m3 of gas to this country.
The annual amount of supplies has grown by more than 15 times.
Russian gas deliveries to Greece began under a contract between V/O Soyuzgazexport and DEPA Public Gas Corporation of Greece signed in 1988.
The contract is still in effect.
In 2020, Gazprom Export and Greek-based Mytilineos have signed a long-term contract for the supply of natural gas.
Under this contract, Gazprom will supply gas to Greece from this year until 2030.
Gazprom continues to provide Greece with reliable gas supplies.
Over 9 months of 2021, they grew by 10.8% to 2.5 billion m3.
Gas from Russia is delivered via the Turkish Stream gas pipeline and the national gas transmission system of Bulgaria.
Greece is set to play a bigger role in the regional gas market in the coming years, with the country set to become a gateway for LNG supplies into Southeast Europe with both the 7 Bcm/year Revithoussa import terminal and the planned 5.5 Bcm/year FSRU at Alexandroupolis expected to serve the wider regional market.